Yellowhawk’s Behavioral Health Department offers an extensive menu of trauma-informed and culturally responsive mental health services, substance use treatment and prevention programming. Our services include Telehealth which lets you to stay in the comfort and safety of your own home while speaking with your provider. All you need is a valid email address and a computer or a mobile device, such as a smart phone or pad, to access healthcare services.
Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center has a mission to empower our Tribal Community with opportunities to learn and experience healthy lifestyles. Yellowhawk provides high-quality, primary healthcare for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) and other eligible American Indians and Alaska Natives living in the service area, which includes Umatilla and Union counties in Northeastern Oregon. Yellowhawk operates a 64,000 square feet facility that encompasses many programs and services such as, primary health care, pharmacy, dental services, behavioral health and community wellness.